serving attitude

I ask myself, " Why does disappointment occur during serving?"

I think to myself, " This is impossible."

A thought came to my mind, " Because we are serving ourselves not God."

This is an important issue to tackle becaue dissapointment is the first stumbling block of every endeavour, spiritual or not.

What do you expect when you give, contribute in church or evangelise?

For a harvest, addition in numbers and growth in every aspect?

Of course, it is nothing wrong having objectives and purposes behind doings.

The problem is rooted in the expectation....

Why do we expect something, and when it is granted, we are estatic and grateful because God heard our cries?

Why is it hard to grasp and feeling down when things do not come our ways as we have anticipated (high hopes and full of faith)?

Are we demanding instant result in this fast paced world?

I always asked myself how do we know someone's attitude?

It is very important to have the right attitude to go far and go right.

Through prayers...

Not just praying frequently and fervently.

But the words we chose...not that whether we quote from bible or very powerful words (only)

It is the words.

When we listen carefully, we will hear these terms being used. Let's analyze:

(1) Each time I prayed, God answered my prayers.

(2) I want to claim from God for blessings.

I agree that we must have faith...that we will see things come to pass.

Just be flexible because things may not turn out the way we prayed for.

Some seem like dead end (but it is just a bend)

Some are lessons to be learnt (the hard way)

Expect God (only God) not in: details or circumstances..

God not only gives the best, God do it in the best way

The Hard Way is the Best Way to learn

We are not easy sailer

We are warrior, overcomer and winner.

I ask myself:

Are your prayer selfish?
Are your prayer self-fulfilling?
Are your praying to God or yourself?

I need to get the correct serving attitude...


Cornelius Chong said...

we should always evaluate ourself, sometimes we will have wrong attitude in our serving.
we need God always come to sanctify and renew our life.
Let do it togeher :)

~Sh3e Y@n~ said...

You have written "how do we know someone's attitude?"

"Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope." Romans 5:3-4

I believe the best time to know the attitude is during the time of trials, the time of facing challenges, obstacles, sufferings, hindrances, etc. Attitude is crucial in those moments, and it can be the difference maker.

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