the chain effect

Have you ever thought about "How come this person is....thus and thus?"
and became more and seem to have shaped into that person' s character
You heard someone claims, "I really hate me, I despise him."
found out that he was just like the person he hates
He seems to have moulded into the one he hates.
You heard, " Hey, why did you.....thus and thus."
you found out or notice that this person is
not much better or even worse
and yet dare to raise up her voice
A person wants to change and help someone in distress
But before able to help, fall into the same pit
and face the same problems
Do these people really purposely or deliberately morph into these unwanted characters?
How does this change come about?
Where is the turning point?
Do they notice that?
Perhaps, am I over sensitive?
I refer to the bible to find out the cause and cure of it


Cornelius Chong said...

I have meet this kind of people like you describe.
we can't do much things,however, we can give advice for that person.
Maybe that is you intuition from you heart toward the particular person.

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