
What does the word "commitment" trigger you?

(1) long term, permanent, no way out, pressure, no turning back (THINK TWICE)

(2) afraid of commitment does not mean

cannot commit or

will not commit;

perhaps need longer consideration,

is a serious person when it comes to responsibility,

a deep thinker + logical person + think of pros and cons

(3) marriage; not many believe in marriage,

many rather be lovers or co-habit,

do not want to have kids,

some even change partners in a snap,

could not have long-term of relationship

(could not keep on when conflicts arise or when the other half wants further progress)

(4) commitment = faithful = responsible
faithful = race to the end / faithful even in small things to slowly build commitment
responsible = accountable / will take things in hands / do with all heart and mind

How inter-related are these?

(5) is there a short-term commitment?

is it a way-out / drop-out for a less commited person?


Cornelius Chong said...

commitment requires sacrificial spirit, such as time, money, hobby ,ambition,
to let go somthing that we like todo.
in this world, many couples did not get marriage.
just like what you writing. "rather be lovers or co-habit" this is their perception.
yes,got short-term commitment.

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