Starlight, star bright

I was reminded to hold on to the promises of God
(Psalm 31)
and be an overcomer,
be the head not the tail and
to be uprising and
performing miracles in workplace.

This is a lesson stressed for times and times.
It was only that day i discovered that it might be a culture distinction for our church.

I had been uncomfortable thinking, " i have to stand out."

Humility and obscurity has been a norm in the church
if someone told you that you are a people -pleaser or you are attention seeking
it was like you are struck by leprosy

"Be the brightest star you can in your circle of influence."
kind of make me twitched

What is important is my life as a mission has to be a "punch."
So when i am with my students, i treat them differently, i sound differently.
Shine, Angie, Shine, Shine for Jesus

You cannot satisfy everyone's requirement
So,use your discernment and chameleonity

We need to create an atmosphere that makes people want to be a part not apart,
Set up as a organisation which is:

(1) educational

(2) supportive

(3) contributive to the society

(4) a personal platform

(5) positive competitive

There is no space for:

(1) dull personality

(2) delusion

(3) inconfidence/insufficient/faithless

(4) fear of failure and rejection

We need to be:

(1) comfortable in the spotlight

(2) force ourselves above circumstances

(3) laugh through our weaknesses

(4) stand in the front

(5) speak aloud

(6) supporting and pushing everyone

I see that there are a few shifts need to be done in my personal style:

(1) Instead of pushing from behind,
i need to overcome,
be at front,
and lead others by the hand

Do not see the differences within us,
but discover ways to
unite and bring out the best
by connecting and synergy.

Instead of being ashamed for
being pointed out by others

(good / bad or untrue / true),
take it in
(we need publicity, exposure and non-stop excitement)

(4) Do not observe, act!!!!

Anything is better than nothing...


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