Selena vs Job

this is an entry i dedicated to you,
my sister, Selena

as a response to your blogpost on
on " be practical if you mean to help"

i agreed on your title.
always be practical/give solutions
(the ones that work and are proven/ biblical of course)

do not direct but pledge to walk through it together
never critised but always encourage with love and be truthfully
see the potential in people

i have always envied you
you are a lucky / blessed Christian
like some of my friends: get what they prayed for

easy -way Christians
hard -way Christians (Job is cetainly one of them)

it makes me wonder:

(1) Does it makes you less faithful if your prayers are not answered the way you intended to be?

(2) Does it means that easy going Christians are less greatly used because God has everything done for them?

(3) If you are unfortunate, does it means that you do not have a prayerful life?

(4) If you are lucky, does it means that you are not made whole?

(5) Should we say "May God bless you" or "May you be humbled in sorrow"?

(6) How would you describe your life:
Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.


Psalm 119: 71 It was good for me to be afflicted so that I might learn your decrees.

(7) Would you pray for hard times so that can gain in courage, experience and compassion?

God wills for all to go through life: pain or gain
to bring all creations to praise him and worship him

being able to see God's leading in everything in everyone is
my mission in life....


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