friend or fiend

i wonder if we accomplish our objectives of the nite
however, we did gain some connection of friendship

i discover:

(1) how everyone hunger and cautious of a friendship
- wonderful friendship ends in high school
- as we grow older, we are more careful in our selection of friends

(2) everyone's expectation and definition of friend varies
- normal friend / acquaintance
- close friend
- friend that serves a purpose / disposable

(3) to build up the atmosphere of love and unity, we need to be friend first-
i was surprised that this first step of relationship is not even stabilised
we need to bind together up and close

(4) unsettled forgiveness issues - once betrayed, forever remembered
this barricades us from achieving and having meaningful relationships
what a waste - a friendship may be just around the corner and
our fear has cost the very best of us!

(5) for our community to grow, we need to embrace the whole of an individual just as God has
loves us, unconditional love has to be shown not just preached!

(6) we need to be salt and light. (people must have a taste and see )

i see a direction for our church..
i see Hand of God upon us.
I need to know God still pours out His Grace on us...


Cornelius Chong said...

yes friendship is is bridge to non-believer get to know God.
we should be their real friend, and let them know us.

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