
If something goes really wrong,
we have to admit that we did something right wrongly

There are good methods with good intention,
however, there are many ingredients and associated condition that we have to consider too

We have to be adaptable and not hesistant to make changes
Excellence and standard may be the hallmark of God
certainly, it is true
and it is a command of God
certainly, it is something i hold on and look up too

However, over stressed will cause:

(1) unreactivity; afraid to move, fear of failure, will not step or do more,

knowing that will be receptive to critism
without practicality in help and suggestions

it is not something that a person or two could readjust,

because quality control (QC) became a culture

i observe in churches that grow,

the QC is not so stringent and rigid,
it made me question of the concept applied,
i could not have said that those churches are compromising
because i see the results and experience the atmosphere

(2) obedient and uncreative people;

no longer question or give suggestions and ideas
because we are used to system and standards like ISO.
slowly, no improvement,
just stabil and consistent

by commending obedient and submissive people there are some disadvantages because...

(3) it is hard to retain certain type of people like:

- free-spirited and minded
- innovative and creative people
- those that spurred and jump on their feet
- individual with own mind set / opinion
- people that are more free-flowed, catalysed by situation

I believe in:

(1) Accepting personal style

(2) Different and striking concept each and everytime

(3) Fun and enjoyable for all (i dislike too task oriented until lose all the joy)

(4) Working as a team and everyone acts as a servant to everyone

(5) We rise and fall together as one entity
(6) Let people be comfortable to step out of their comfort zone (willing heart)

(7) Make everyone feel at home and belonged

(8) Walk the talk, action exceeds words

(9) Result-oriented, accept others' success method (learn from those who made it)


I will still be adamant in my belief and culture breakthrough that i am entrusted to invade.
At the same time, be flexible, aggressive, never step back, be positive at every circumstances and be encouraging to others. Keep going!


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