
i wonder why is it hard to retain people....?
People come and go ,
I am certain that certain needs are not met,
We do not have a similar focused vision,
There is no emotional attachment,
The seed is not adaptable.

i wonder why is it hard to obtain people....?
People are chasing after dreams
money in particular

Does it mean that people of God are not successful ? (as they thought)
Christians have many limitations and boundaries?
We just set ourselves apart as a group of freed people.
Are we not showing great testimony in life as role models?
What is scaring me is Christians are no longer the salt and light in this world,
We are not walking the foreline anymore.....

We are substituted
God, open our eyes...

i wonder why is it hard to commit people....?
People are only doing the essentials
to meet basic requirements,
Are we not doing the right things?
Are we not able to discern things?
Too many hidden and unconfessed sins, perhaps?
Are we too menial-oriented that others could not see values or Jesus in us?
Are we too focused on spiritual matters that we neglect so many practical practices that others will identify immediately that we could change the world for the better?

is it really that simple that we prayed and the spiritual atmosphere is going to lift away all the inadequancies and all....
Is praying, facing and overcoming or neglecting and pushing aside?
It is the attitude behind the action of praying that makes the difference.
Do we pray for God to do it or give us the courage to do it?
I am very divided between taking things into our hands and God's amazing doing.

this is the same reason i could not understand:
- pray and it will be done,
-pray and the rain stopped
- supernatural healing,
- awakening after prophesy

it seems so:

- don't have to pour effort
- too easy
- lazy doing
- no overcoming substance

However, i need all the above so much too see advancement
i have no other way to turn to

God, tell me what should be done
i rather be working hard than seeeing our dismay situation

i need to break free to ...

- think about how to be the person God wants me to be
- be as maximum impact as i should really be doing
- have a vacation on my own, where i will not be connected to any obligation and duty (just me and you, Jesus)

We need to break free...

- from the containment of 4 walls
- fom spiritual concern; should be more holistic
- by looking from the eyes of the people that we are going to touch
- give us compassionate eyes and understanding hearts


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