what will happen when we PRAISE?
holiday soon

so for this week, all my classes will be shifted up
leaving me free time in the evening until night time
i had to make sure that all the students are notified
by sms ing them a night before
then i have to buy bus ticket home and back here
what did i miss.....?

my best friend's wedding is on 6/6, Saturday
got to get an outfit for that
she is considered to be my long-standing childhood friend
known her since primary school
brought me to church in the university
introduce me to Jesus Christ
i had always wanted to join Christian Felllowship
in secondary years
but she never had invited me
well, so be it
i am now involved in church

so....as a whole
i did not miss a thing
i am planning of going for a vacation in Melaka
3 days and 2 nights
i have to ask a friend
studied in Melaka before
to help me
well........holiday does not mean resting
but recharging and being with family
holiday needs planning and money
i do not know (why) but i am quite STINGY nowadays!!!!
i prefer to have them sa

but spending motivates earning
and it is a good initiation
busy week ahead

everyday we will be meeting up with brothers and sisters
i am thinking of practicing fast and pray every night
i do not know how committed i would be
but i would like to give it a try
to believe of the miracles happening during the supernatural sunday
i need to start small
just now at ministry house
i was looking at a devotional material written by Joseph Prince
at first i thought, "another gimmick book."
i looked at the biography
senior pastor of new creations church
with members growing to 150,000
my eyeballs bulge
i read through hoping to catch a glimpse on what
is the mindthology of a leader to grow a church to such a limit
what is the distinction / difference marker between a normal and a mega church

as if God is talking to me
fulfilling my inner needs
answering my doubt
calming my stormy heart

(1) when bible mentions that Jesus dies for us and carry our every trangressions, " surely" is mentioned
(2) God does not keep record of our shortcomings example of David, Samuel (the many biblical giants) but recall their victories in God as is written in Hebrews
(3) Sometimes, we are compulsed to help out someone in our heart, but is it God's will? (Jesus healed some but not all as God has His Purpose of doing in whatever is done)
(4) A woman had a bent back and had to look at the dust on the ground all her life, until one day she saw the feet of Jesus and He healed her. the devil slides on the ground eating dust. Dust signifies sin and evil abiding.
What do they mean to me?
(1) I need to be affirmed that i am not condemned by sin and overwhelming sense of guilt.


i am disgusted and dismayed at my "whatever" attitude

Whatever attitude comprises of:
(1) i don't care
(2) i don't mind
(3) i don't bother
(4) does not concern me
(5) what you say is not important to ne
(6) stop poking in my face
(7) stay out of my sight
(8) get lost!!!
(9) you think you are so special, step off
(10) just a cliche...(i no longer understand why i say so)
a word with lots of disguise
where does it come by?
let me see....

(1) no one understands
(2) no one feel the same
(3) people do not give the expected response
(4) i am just frustrated
(5) what i do and say is not important
(6) internal rebellion
(7) childish mind set
(8) silly remark

(2) overcome not neglect / ignore / suppress
(3) speak in tongue whenever all hells break loose, submit my soul and spirit to God
(4) find a victorous way out, no matter what, do not dwell in it but climb to the peak and conquer it.

hope to discover diamonds not coals....in time to come...

the satisfaction level just explode off the roof top
online journalling. diary keeping or blogging (to your liking)


i have to admit i am not worshipping the Lord

i am back

tm net technical p.i.c
we have to call and lodge a complaint
several times
finally it dawned on me

the chain effect
ripple effect
biblical spy
22 Then all of you came to me and said, "Let us send men ahead to spy out the land for us and bring back a report about the route we are to take and the towns we will come to."
23 The idea seemed good to me; so I selected twelve of you, one man from each tribe.
24 They left and went up into the hill country, and came to the Valley of Eshcol and explored it. 25 Taking with them some of the fruit of the land, they brought it down to us and reported, "It is a good land that the LORD our God is giving us."
At the end of the day, we are so filled with faith and conviction as we proclaimed,
as in......
Numbers 13:
God told Moses to send men to spy out the land of Canaan.
He asked them to bring back some of the fruit that was ripe.
The Israelites didn't want to go and take Canaan as God had wanted.
If Canaan stands for land of Kuantan,
one hit wonder

There is certain inconsistency in my performance
I see myself slipping and falling away
falling away....................
It is like a "one hit wonder."
and gone into obscurity.
My fear of,
(1) matching up to past performance (compare)
(4) being seen as proud, selfish, vain, people pleaser and over board (OVER!!)
(5) being under spotlight and radar (prone to be crucified, is she trying to attract attention, GRRRLLLL...)
is taking a toll of me, and making me unable to come out of my shell.

serving attitude

I think to myself, " This is impossible."
A thought came to my mind, " Because we are serving ourselves not God."

What do you expect when you give, contribute in church or evangelise?
For a harvest, addition in numbers and growth in every aspect?
Of course, it is nothing wrong having objectives and purposes behind doings.
The problem is rooted in the expectation....
Why do we expect something, and when it is granted, we are estatic and grateful because God heard our cries?
Are we demanding instant result in this fast paced world?
I always asked myself how do we know someone's attitude?
It is very important to have the right attitude to go far and go right.
Through prayers...
Not just praying frequently and fervently.
(2) I want to claim from God for blessings.
I agree that we must have faith...that we will see things come to pass.
Just be flexible because things may not turn out the way we prayed for.
Some are lessons to be learnt (the hard way)
Expect God (only God) not in: details or circumstances..
God not only gives the best, God do it in the best way
The Hard Way is the Best Way to learn
We are not easy sailer
We are warrior, overcomer and winner.
I ask myself:
I need to get the correct serving attitude...
(1) long term, permanent, no way out, pressure, no turning back (THINK TWICE)
(2) afraid of commitment does not mean
cannot commit or
will not commit;
perhaps need longer consideration,
is a serious person when it comes to responsibility,
a deep thinker + logical person + think of pros and cons
(3) marriage; not many believe in marriage,
many rather be lovers or co-habit,
do not want to have kids,
some even change partners in a snap,
could not have long-term of relationship
(could not keep on when conflicts arise or when the other half wants further progress)
(4) commitment = faithful = responsible
faithful = race to the end / faithful even in small things to slowly build commitment
responsible = accountable / will take things in hands / do with all heart and mind
How inter-related are these?
(5) is there a short-term commitment?
is it a way-out / drop-out for a less commited person?
How well do you know ME?
on this specific quiz
where people post
"How well do you know me?"
From the viewpoint of questions:
(1) Some are quite obvious (which you can refer in their profile or the statements they made in their walls)
(2) Some are secretive in real life (So the answer is not what you would expect)

(3) Some questions reflect of their inner desires / wants / needs
(4) Some questions seem to be venting out their life frustrations
(5) Through the questions they made, we can see that there are simple to understand ones and complicated ones.
(6) Through the questions posted, we could evaluate how open that person is...

(1) sad knowing that they do not know their friend that well
(2) suprised to know the true answers
(1) evokes such a passion to build a deeper relationship.
(2) serves as a platform for us to express and be open
(3) open the heart publicly to people that would like to know you better
(4) is a channel for sharing
(5) people will join your quiz and you will join theirs
(6) everyone is excited to make their own quiz, through questions-making, they begin to reflect and think of the options / possibilities
(7) that link keep on growing and interlocking that my facebook walls are fulled with thus quizzes, answers and comments...

7th lie, lies in heaven

1.My mum used to say that she hates people who tells lies.

i would not let that happen