lost in my own world

catch the fire

catch the dream for God

catch up in this race

i got caught in the fire
trapped in this dream
i am not racing when there are no other contestants in the running track
where is the finish line?
by the way, why do i run in the first place?

i look around
in front and behind
there was no other soul

what am i doing?
am i in the wrong track?
left far behind?
i am racing and fighting with myself thus far,
am i trying to surpass myself....?

or i just enroll myself in a race for one....?
there is only "me" in my world
i just could not be bother much of others' existence

certainly, when there are others, i will give my priority away

my passport of life journey just
got me on the board

"A flight to no where."

i am so diverted....
am i in the crowd?
do i still belonged in this world?

i need my personal space...
now, i got what i want...

lost in my own world...

why do i have to get to such extend so frequent?

!!! Get out now, Angie, before you are engulfed by this Black Hole !!!


One Way Ticket said...

i think i am no longer sucked by this Black Hole.
I am totally fine.
it is just that i need my personal space to reflect and make peace with myself.
i am only truly myself when i am on my own.
that is the way it is.
being around people is a role and responsibility.

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