whispers and silence

my mum once told me
that she heard from God
when i was young

i was not yet a believer in God

She said " i heard the word David."
then, she turned the bible to look for it
ever since, she is an avid reader
until she contracted eyesight complication

How does He sounds like?
i asked my mum
She said, " Ehmm..soft. Like a whisper."
How do you know it was Him
She says, " Who else?"

I was quiet.

Finally, i believed in Him
because i need to
i have found no other purpose of living
than to grasp that i am here on the earth for a reason
i need a reason to live

i ask my brothers and sisters in church

have you heard from God?
They said confidently, "Of course."
Some says," Every Christian hears the voice of God."

i was silent

thinking "i didn't."

I wonder how does he sounds like...

then i started to see Jesus
and i learn to hear his voice

this is how it goes


i was in my class stunted and felt unsupported
i heard " i am here, always here."
a hand was resting on my shoulder and
i had peace
ever since

when i felt unsupported,

i remembered His touch and his voice that day
He consoles me


out of humor,
i asked God
Why did you talk to me late at night, at wee morning?
He replied," Because you seek me now."

i was silent

He always had an answer for me...
i was always unable to revolt
no matter how

He melts my heart
His answer always
superceeds my expectations


i ask God
How to get people to serve you full hearted?
He said, " Find a purpose higher than its life."

i was puzzled for some time

then i begin to grasp
find a purpose that brings them out of self
given them a vision higher than life goals

i read somewhere
spirituality is synonym with serving people

then i understood
through serving, giving, contributing
we know that:

(1) Life is not just about us.
(2) Life offers much.
(3) What we have is so much that we are able to give and keep giving.
(4) when we serve, we remember Jesus has came to this earth to serve a mission
(5) When we serve, we serve our LOrd Jesus Christ.

God speaks when i am silent
waiting upon him....


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