cruel intention

may i know what is your intention

behind the things you do
the things you say
the actions you did
the things you ignore

i do not believe you
nor did i trust you
as a whole, i did not even like you

but i love you
i care about you
i support you
when you need me, i will be there for you

i tried to understand
the things you do
the things you say
the actions you did
the things you ignore

i know that i may never understand


i did not go through what you did
i cannot do what you did
i would not say what you say

i believe that people are
good natured
i still do

despite we are all sinners
because we are all made in the image of God
because we are filled with holy-spirit

you doubted me
so do i

no one is in the position to condemn
nor anyone has the right to be self-defined righteous

i learnt so much from you:

(1) united in diversity
(2) appreciation in spite of spiteful
(3) love your enemy as you love yourself

i still can look into your eyes and say:

God loves you and me just as much
no matter who is right or wrong
no matter who did what and did not do what
i may have the things you do not have
remember you have many things that i wish i could have a taste of...


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