
means the first or second-runner up
not the champion or the sure-winner in contests and competitive

how do we thrive when we are labelled as underdogs?

in every tasks and career path
there are a certain specifications and criterias
that make someone more appealing and forthrunner

to state some:
- highly educated
- good in speech / interaction
- meet up to the expectations of the superiors
- aggresive and opinion giver
- good management skill
- leadership quality

(and many many more)

so, is it necessary to fulfil these requirements to join in the ranks of champions?
stand tall as the elites....?

underdog...may not be seen as the brightest star
but this word has a certain sting and unpredictability about it
that the underdog may over rule and run the race at first place in the end

so why would people be underdog?
why do we even label some to be underdogs?
why do we divide people into groups of leader ranking and underdog ranking?

is that being an a technique not to draw attention to themselves?
to be able to do things in a free mode (not succumbing to others' standard?
to be able to do things their way despite the norm and regularity?

just to tell people that "i am who i am..."


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