His hand moved the clouds

When I was walking with my brother one sunny day, a biblical story comes to life. Remember when the Israelites led by Moses in the desert. That pillar of fire with them at night and the pillar of clouds by the day. We are the Israelites that day as the clouds covered the bright surly sun that day as we walked. It is the promise of God to be with us. Giving us the authority of heavens and earth. An assurance that He hears and provides! What a wonderful promise! The clouds swiftly moved to cover the burning light. Just as a lover would bring up an umbrella to shelter his loved one. His hand moved the cloud. I was my God’s lover that day. So sweet. Of course, I am His Lover as He is mine, now and ever.


Cornelius Chong said...

that time you command the cloud come out, really look like Moses.. haha~~
As children of God, you have tis priveledge to ask God for help.though is smal thing.amen

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