Walk the way

the world wide web is supposed to be a wide world
everything should be connected like a web
however, it is not easy to look for information concerning mission work
it is whether it is restricted or missionaries are too busy to update themselves online
perhaps their faithfulness has come to an end in earth
their work is recorded in a big book in heaven
titled: The faithful Ones

so when i had the manual in my hands
my heart cries, so touched
as if a longing is finally satisfied
a quench thrist
a search is done

to know more about mission work
you have to be there and done that
no words are able to express the experience
the heartfelt of a missionary

i am very grateful to the administration
for providing such valuable teachings
and giving such a support, back up and confidence
to the future missionaries/ church planters to come

missionaries of the past has to go through the dark alley alone
with all these, i can say, trust is built, we are not alone in this
let us step out in faith............
go on strong and far for Jesus
for Jesus had walked the way before us...


hopeShyan said...

the world is wide....
with high tecnology people can contact easily
but the problems is are u wants to tell people the things that happen to u...
so we really need to avoid from temptations....

Cornelius Chong said...

amen~~i back ktn on sunday~
see ya

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